There are times that the website provides links to other third-party websites. Those links are established with the agreement of concerned websites. Chic time cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites and for the manner in which they will be used.


Chic Time shall do its best to ensure full access to the site at any time, however, it may not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for the website unavailability.


Users are responsible for their own navigation and use of the website, as well as for the content they submit and publish and therefore, for the consequences resulting from them.

The content that is submitted, posted or shared by any user, might be viewed by other users. Therefore, it is required that the user content does not contravene laws, conform to regulations, public morality or the privacy of others.

The user undertakes, more specifically, not to broadcast any message or content or any information irrespective of its form or nature :

Contrary to public policy and to principles of morality.

If an abusive, defamatory, racist, xenophobic, revisionist characters or attacking the honor or the reputation of others.

Inciting to discrimination, or hatred against a person or a group of persons based on their origins, belongings or non belongings to a certain ethnicity, nation, race or religion.

Threatening a person or a group of persons.

Of a pedophile nature, inviting to commit criminal actions, incentive to commit a crime or an act of terrorism, approves of a war crime or a crime against humanity, encourage and assist suicide.

Enabling third parties directly or indirectly to procure pirated softwares, serial numbers of softwares, and softwares enabling acts of hacking and intrusion into the computers and telecommunications systems, in a general way, any software or other tool making it possible to infringe the rights of others and the safety of persons and goods.

The user also undertakes to respect the rights of others, and in particular:

The individual rights (such as the right to one’s image, the right to privacy)

Trademark rights

Copyrights (on software programs & products, sounds, images, photographs, texts, animated images in particular) and related rights (performers, the phonogram and videogram producers, and the sui generis rights of database producers).

In general, the rights of persons and goods.

EUROPLATINIUM SARL reserves the right to control the content published by users, or even to put the user on notice to delete the content.

If the user notices an illegal content that would have escaped EUROPLATINIUM SARL despite everything, he should send an email alert to the customer service address.

This notification must contain the following elements:

Last name, first name and email address of the user who noticed the breach.

Reason explains why user thinks the content should be removed.


We strive to ensure, to our best endeavors, the accuracy, and timeliness of the information published on the site. We reserve the right to correct and modify the content of the site at any time and without notice, It is the responsibility of visitors to the site to verify the information given on the site by other means, including by contacting us directly. Furthermore, we decline all responsibility for any imprecision, inaccuracy or omission relating to the information available on the site, for the damages resulting from a modification of the information appearing on the site and caused by a possible fraudulent manipulation carried out by third-parties and for any damages, direct or indirect, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, caused by anyone's access to the site or the inability to access to it, as well as the use of the site and / or the credit given to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.